Printed Crystal from Saiful in Singapore
Saiful is the technical manager of one company in Singapore. They specialize in a wide range of promotional items, local handicrafts and are renowned for custom-made products. They’re also offering printing service for their gift items.
Before they bought our FP-30 crystal printer, they already bought an UV printer from China in 2013. At that time, they spent a lot of money on the UV printer, but the UV printer has problem from time to time. This unstable printer really gave them a lot of trouble, and a lot of custom printed orders got delay. So their boss decided to buy another printer for crystal printing business.
This time they get smart. They asked their friend to do a research about the machine supplier in Guangzhou, China. And their friend recommended our company to the business owner. The boss and his agent made a visit to our office. And we know them they have a very bad experience about UV printers. In order to avoid them to suffer the UV printer issue, we strongly recommend our FP-30 crystal printer with eco solvent inks to them. We explain clearly to them why they should select eco solvent printer instead of UV printer for crystal printing. Also we make the crystal printing sample for them. The printing quality on crystal is vivid & solid, anti scratch, water proof. They’re really happy about our printing quality.
After they return to Singapore, the boss showed the printed crystal samples to Saiful and asked him the advices about the printer. Saiful made a list question about our printer usage, maintenance, warranty, technical support and so on. We did answer his questions one by one. They finally made one more try, and counted on us.
After they received our eco solvent printer, we guide them to pre heat the crystal a little bit, and then print by our printer. The printing quality will be much better without pre heat.
Up till now, the crystal printer is working well for 2 years. They’re really happy about our printer quality.