Printed Power Bank from Laurent in Thailand


Mr Laurent is the local citizen in Pattaya, Thailand. Pattaya is famous tourist place in Asia. He has a shop there, mainly selling gift items for tourist, like printed power bank, custom printed phone cases, printed crystal and all kinds of souvenir.


Smart phones are very popular in these years. So there is more demand for the custom printed power bank, phone cases, and USB cards and so on. Mr Laurent knew that the personalized mobile accessories are a very promising business these years. He soured the power banks from Shenzhen, and he wanted to find a company to provide him the custom printed service.


He found our company in Guangzhou, and wanted us to provide him the printing service. At the beginning, we are not willing to help him, because we’re mainly selling flatbed printers, also our lead time can not be guaranteed. But Mr. Laurent convinces us that if he sold all the printed power banks, and got enough money. He will invest an A3 size UV printer FP-28 for his business. We finally agreed to custom printed power bank, printed phone covers for him.


After one month, he told us a good news that he was able to purchase a FP-28 power bank printer from us.


With our UV printer, he can provide the on site printing service for the tourist and he sells more products than before. He said it was the smart investment for his business.



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